Dried, brown, grasses crackle in the breeze that often reach here. A place that once held many beauties and wonders is left as a place that only harbors ill-fated memories and sorrows that threaten to shatter one's very soul. The sound of water being forced forwards and then taken back sounds clearly through out the land, giving a sense of comfort and yet fear and caution. Further from the ocean the ground is hard, dry and cracked from many paws trampling upon it. A large boulder, covered in thick, green moss, can be seen from miles away; standing tall and firm in the shallows of the water that it seemed to have sprung out from. The smell of hot, steamy air and salt water fills ones senses as they travel through here, a warning in some cases.
A true beauty. A landscape that perhaps, in it's days, was one of the most dazzling before the Skin-pelts came. With its low rolling hills, lush green grasses and sweet smelling flowers, Gilahen is a true sight to be seen. As one walks through the wide open spaces of Gilahen it is as if they were thrown back into time and are able to get a glimpse of the before times. Of the times of the old. Crickets hum happily here, rising up, up, up, in their song before coming to an abrupt stop and then starting again.
A land in the North that holds many secrets and hides many evil doings. Deep within this forested land lies a Skin-pelted object. Made from trees that were cut down and used is a wooded stair way that is overrun with weeds and vines that twist upwards and along the railings. Downwards the stairs lead into a large mouthed cave that was once used to house caged wolves. Now, over time large rocks have fallen from the roof and lie littered about in the cave along with the bones of smaller animals.
Not to far from Mylengali lies a rather peaceful forest, or so it seems. With its tall, thin, trees and a narrow Skin-Pelt made path. Due to the light mist that most always falls, a bluish hue tints the forest of Nyntasi. There are no traps here and bird song echoes happily around here, giving one a sense that things might , just be, okay. There is a scent of rain and fresh earth hangs in the air here.
Mountain peaks stand in the far distance, looming tall over the land Nidori's wide open and marshy like ground. Pools of water are often standing in small ruts that are formed in the ground where small creatures tend to make their homes. Few trees and shrubs grow here but the ones that have sprouted are sparse and spread out. Several herbs and small flowers that prefer water can be found here as can tadpoles and water voles that make their homes in the tall grass that grows here.
A gentle trickling sound of water resonates as one steps through Palgosy. Cutting through the land like a knife, a river moves contentedly along bringing those who stop and stay a moment a good, refreshing drink. Old oak trees stand tall and firm in their spots, twisting and reaching towards the sky, offering shade in the hotter months of the year. This land is truly a beauty for each season brings something new; the Spring brings new life, shoots of baby flowers come up from the ground and the trees begin to show signs of new foliage. The summer brings a great heat but, still, the land is beautiful. Now covered with a vibrant green across the land, the trees seem almost prideful in their new coats only to lose them in the fall. Now in the Fall, the trees covered in an array of yellow, red and orange leaves that drift lazily towards the ground, coating the ground preparing the trees for another go at Winter.
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A true beauty. Rysa is a land that is known for its starry skies and brilliant rays of color that score the sky. It consists of low rolling hills that are dotted with tall, delicious, scented pine trees. Often times, during the winter as the sun begins to go down the lands will appear as if they are on fire. The rays of the sinking ball of fire will reach out and score across the snowy ground, reflecting the light in a brilliance of orange and red, giving a sense of warmth and happiness despite the bitter cold that clutches at you.
last post Aug 16, 2020 14:00:29 GMT Burning Ring Of Fire (Open)
sumeria Avatar
Colors of orange and red streak these lands in a permanent state of an Autumn color. The seasons still change going from one to the other at a slow speed, but the coloration remains the same. The trickling of a slow moving brook whispers lowly as it makes it's way through. Bird songs echo merrily throughout the land, offering a sense of peacefulness.
last post Aug 18, 2020 2:33:51 GMT A Day of Wonder - Open
Hibiki Avatar
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The Northern part of the Island is home to Mylengali, a cave that was used by the Skin-pelts. It is considered a darker place to the native wolves of Renyana Island. The lands here, for the most part, are untouched by the putridness of Dead Mans Isle. The lands here are beautiful and crisp but still holds a hint of the Dead Mans Isle, a hint what may be in store for it.
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