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Fauna with various shapes and sizes surround themselves here in this vast forest range. Though Felendri doesn’t seem like much, sounds of birds, rats, mice, and other small rodents seem to make their home here as wolves can hear their feet skittering across the grassy terrain. Flowers of yellow decorate the ground below as little rodents would eat them, oftentimes leaving some things herbalists and healers can use for their packmates when needed. The terrain can sometimes bring a chill to the bone, but when Summer comes around, best to stay located within the shade; and the trees here provide plenty of cover from the heat. Leaves will stick together and grow, blocking sunlight from entering, so mostly patches of sunlight can peek through depending on the time of day. Tall, green grasses can tickle a wolf’s legs and paw pads as they walk, as other animals will often stay hidden to avoid anything that is not desired by them. You can even find a delicious, sweet treat here if you look hard enough, so be careful not to get into a sticky situation.
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